Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Web 2.0 in my Classroom

Morgan Welch

Education Technology

Dr. Benton


Web 2.0 Tools for your Classroom


1. Tux Paint- This tool is used for children ages 3-12. Children can use this to start being "creative" with their minds. Tux Paint is a drawing tool that allows children to start with a blank canvas and lets them draw whatever they want. Also, there is a little "mascot" that helps them through the drawing and imaginative process. In my classroom, I would use this tool to help the children get to know their creative side. There are so many children out there who do not know how to be imaginative anymore.

2. National Anthem- National Anthem is a music tool that allows you to listen and read different National Anthems from all over the world. This tool also allows you to view passports to each country. In my classroom, this tool could be used for the students to compare and contrast the different country's Anthems. It is important to know ours and also it is important to know what each Country believes in. 

3. Coarkbord.Me- This is a collaborating tool that allows a pupil to post "notes" on a wall for a group to see as if in real time. This tool also allows people to hold group meetings over the internet or to even organize information regarding a particular event. In my classroom, I could use Coarkbord.Me to post homework problems for my students each day or to remind them about events coming up. I know after going home from school it is hard to remember what you have to do, this would make it easy!

4. School Wax Tv- This research tool is free to anyone! It allows a main person to upload videos and have different strategies to work on whatever assignment they need. This will help capture students attention and also make it easier for the students to do their homework with different animations available for the students. In my classroom, using School Wax Tv would be a easy fix to homework problems. When a child goes home and forgets how to do the homework, they can go to School Wax Tv and be shown exactly how to do it.                                                              

5. If It Were My Home- This mapping tool gives access to your life outside your own country. How would your life be if you were born in a different country? This would be really cool for students to see and understand life outside their own home. Students in my classroom could compare and contrast different countries in groups and see exactly how each of their lives could and would be different to one another.

6. Smile Box- Smile box is a slideshow tool that allows you to bring your photos to life. Smilebox believes that you should be able to share any moment with anyone! You are allowed to add music, tones, animation, text, etc. to your smilebox show! In my classroom, students could use smilebox to make a show of their family. How is your family different from mine?

7. Hot Potatoes- Hot Potatoes is a quiz and poll tool. This tool allows you to create quizzes and test that can be any format to make your own! Any teacher could use this tool to make a fun quiz for their students. Hot potatoes allows you to choose from 6 different formats so that the tests could always be different and never boring!

8. Student Publishing- Student Publishing is a writing tool that allows a classroom to make their own book! Each student can draw or write a page and once uploaded to Student Publishing, you can make any book you want. This would be great in any classroom! Once students see that they can create something so neat, they will want to write and draw more. This would really bring out the creative side of students.

9. Jitterbug- Jitterbug is a music tool for kids. Jitterbug allows you to find music just for kids that will and can go along with any lesson you have as a teacher. Songs always stick in your head. This would be a fun way to learn a lesson rather than a lecture which students get bored with. In my classroom, we could use Jitterbug to learn about the Pilgrims coming to America or just use it to relax on free time. 

10. Braingle- Braingle is a creativity tool that has many "brain teasers" to choose from for students. Brain teasers allows students minds to get to working and make them prepared for what is to come from their lesson. Braingle provides fun teasers for any age in the classroom. In my classroom, we would use Braingle at the beginning of each day to get our mind going!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Effects of Social Networking- Twitter

Effects of Twitter on student athletes

This article really made me think of all the bullying that happens in todays society. In this article, it talks about how student athletes use twitter for three different reasons: communicating, seeking information and hearing about themselves. It gets to me how student athletes get "down" because they see people tweeting bad things about them on twitter. This is so not right in my point of view. It should not be up to someone who does not even play a sport to criticize a student athletes game. I really hope that these athletes do not take this seriously and believe the people that say horrible things about them. This can really hurt and I have no clue why our society does not see that. NOBODY is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, including the people that say these horrid things. We all need to take a walk in someone elses shoes before we open our mouths or our social networking sites.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

About Me

Hello! My name is Morgan and I am from Malvern, Arkansas! Currently I am a Sophomore at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. At HSU, I am a Early Childhood Education Major, this means I will be able to teach preschool thru fourth grade. I am so excited to become a teacher one day! As a teacher, there will be many things that I want my students to take in as life lessons. Im not there just to teach core subjects but also to teach life lessons. Teaching is a HUGE job to have, those students are your “babies” for a whole year and your responsibility for atleast eight hours a day. I am more than ready for this journey in my life!

 Also, I am an active member of Alpha Sigma Alpha, a sorority on campus! Being in a sorority, there is a lot of talk. Most of the things said about sororities are all talk! I have 50 sisters, and those girls are MORE than my friends. With their help, I am a better person and this is where the idea of this blog came from. This blog is to educate young ladies to "do" things in their community and get involved. This could be joining a group in school, helping out at the animal shelter, or just volunteering anywhere! Getting involved really helps self-esteem and makes you feel good about yourself and your life! No matter the age, all girls should get involved with at least one organization. In Alpha Sigma Alpha, my sisters and I get involved with many different other organizations to volunteer, etc. As a future teacher, it is important to me for all young people girls and boys to know how important this is and how good in looks on resumes! So lets get "do"ing!