Effects of Twitter on student athletes
This article really made me think of all the bullying that happens in todays society. In this article, it talks about how student athletes use twitter for three different reasons: communicating, seeking information and hearing about themselves. It gets to me how student athletes get "down" because they see people tweeting bad things about them on twitter. This is so not right in my point of view. It should not be up to someone who does not even play a sport to criticize a student athletes game. I really hope that these athletes do not take this seriously and believe the people that say horrible things about them. This can really hurt and I have no clue why our society does not see that. NOBODY is perfect and everyone makes mistakes, including the people that say these horrid things. We all need to take a walk in someone elses shoes before we open our mouths or our social networking sites.
Morgan you are right if people were to walk in someone else's shoes for a little while their opinions would change. I try to think of that when things happen. Because we really do not know what is going on in their lives. No one should put anyone down, And as you said if you do not know anything about athletics than you should not put a person down who does. My grandsons are football players and they do a lot of pratice to be good at what they do. However they still make mistakes. When you are on the field and people are coming at you I can understand that sometimes you forget something. I think they play well most of the time. Of course, I do not know enough about sports to say. Their coaches think they do good, so I will leave that up to him and yell like crazy when I watch them play. I yell to cheer them on.